
Creating valuable and enjoyable solutions for people.

I specialize in untangling intricate challenges faced by users. With 16+ years of diverse experience spanning mobile and web applications, I embody the essence of a multi-disciplinary designer. Formerly a UX/UI Designer at Yahoo! India, my current focus centers on driving UX/UI excellence. Presently, I invest my expertise in crafting user-centric mobile and web applications at KATIM, assuming the role of a Senior Product Designer. My true passion lies in constructing User experiences that tangibly enhance daily lives.


I dedicate extensive hours to refining conceptual prowess, honing skills that seamlessly translate into tangible enhancements for real-world projects.



I am privileged to say that I have had some great working experiences.
KATIM 2020 – present
Danat FZ LLC 2010 – 2019
Yahoo! India 2008 – 2010
Toadfly Technical Services 2007 – 2008
Fomax IT 2006 – 2007

click here to download my resume.